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Wyoming Outdoor Recreation’s Sweetwater County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative

In late November and early December, Wyoming Outdoor Recreation’s six Collaboratives met for their bi-monthly meetings.

Conveyed throughout the state by Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites, and Trails, these initiatives bring together local community members, recreation stakeholders, businesses, conservation groups, federal and state agencies, and elected officials to identify and prioritize opportunities for the growth and enhancement of outdoor recreation.

During the Sweetwater County Outdoor Recreation Collaborative (SCORC) member meeting held on December 8, members enjoyed an update from the staff of the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Office and a brief presentation from a collaborative member involved in the Sweetwater Trails Alliance. The remainder of the meeting included an open discussion between members on twelve potential opportunities for collaborative projects.

SCORC represents the communities within Sweetwater County in Southwest Wyoming. The collaborative was formed in 2021 and has recently completed the charter for the collaborative.

February meeting dates, times and locations will be announced prior to January 31, 2022. Members of the public are welcome to attend collaborative meetings in-person or virtually, and there is a designated time for public comment near the end of each meeting.

Established by recommendation of the 2017 Governor’s Outdoor Recreation Task force, the Office of Outdoor Recreation aims to diversify Wyoming’s economy by expanding, enhancing, and promoting responsible recreational opportunities through collaboration, outreach, and coordination with stakeholders, landowners, private industry, and public officials.

Learn more about the Office and future community collaboratives by following us on social media or visiting